A vaginal suppository is a small capsule that is inserted into the vagina. The capsule dissolves over several hours. Inside the capsule is one simple ingredient: 600 mg of finely-ground boric acid. The outer shell is vegan - meaning it is made from vegetable materials. This means it does not contain gelatin, an animal-derived ingredient. We don't dig gelatin at all, so we sourced our special capsules. No dead animal parts in your vagina with our company!
Related FAQs
- Wait! Isn't vaginal odor a normal thing?
- Hold on.. I've heard its bad to put anything up there because its self cleaning. So what gives?
- Acid? That sounds scary.
- My vagina doesn't smell weird, but things seem
- What is a vaginal suppository?
- What do they look like?
- Can I take your product by mouth?
- How do I use a boric acid suppository?
- What is the dosage in FlowerPower suppositories?
- Is boric acid safe to use in the body?
- Can I take it during my period?
- When and how often should I use FlowerPower suppositories?
- How long should you use FlowerPower?
- Can you use boric acid suppositories while pregnant?
- Can you use boric acid suppositories while pregnant?
- Can I use FlowerPower Suppositories on a regular basis?
- Can I have sex after inserting the suppository?
- What are some possible boric acid suppository side effects?
- What is pH?
- Why is the vaginas pH value important?
- What causes changes in pH?
- Where are FlowerPower Suppositories made?
- What makes your company different from those other guys?