What causes changes in pH?

•  Menstruation: The pH of blood is 7.4 since its mostly water. During your period, vaginal pH levels become elevated (less acidic).

•  Menopause: Estrogen levels fall which can reduce the amount of lactobacilli or “good bacteria” present.  This causes the pH levels to decrease in acidity becoming more alkaline.

•  Sex: The alkaline pH value of body fluids such as semen is around 7. Semen in the vagina after sexual intercourse disturbs the acidic environment of the vagina and can stimulate bacterial growth.

•  Douching and cleansers: Water and other types of fluids are alkaline. Anything that is alkaline in nature can affect your vaginal pH levels. This includes douching after sex.

•  Antibiotic Medications Prescription antibiotics kill off all bacteria, including the good ones that are responsible for keeping your vagina acidic and healthy. 

•  Diet and Exercise: Diet and exercise may play a part in setting off a vaginal imbalance. 

Fun fact: Once the vagina is off balance, it can stay like that for years until it is rebalanced! 

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